About the SPCA Hong Kong Inspectors / 關於愛護動物協會的拯救督察

在香港, 與動物福祉相關的全職及受薪工作著實不多, 愛護動物協會的動物拯救督察是其中之一。 愛護動物協會的動物拯救督察隸屬於檢核部, 現時共有22名動物拯救督察, 每天24小時地不停運作; 除了拯救被困及受傷的動物外, 他們會在案發現場協助警方及漁護署人員調查涉及虐待動物的案件, 甚至於把暫住在收容中心的動物送往領養中心, 協助… 等, 致力為香港的人和動物等維持一個安全和健康的生活環境。
There are not many varieties of full-time paid jobs being associated with animal welfare in Hong Kong, one of the exceptions is the SPCA Hong Kong’s animal inspector. The SPCA Hong Kong’s inspectors are belonged to its inspectorate sector, in which 22 inspectors working 24 hours day-by-day; Despite rescuing the trapped or injured animals, they assist the police and the AFCD staffs in investigating the animal abuse cases, and transporting the animals resides in SPCA’s kennels towards the adoption centres… in order to guarantee a safe and healthy environment for all the animals and people living in Hong Kong.

愛協動物拯救督察Kwong Tze Shun, Bob對動物拯救督察工作之介紹 (節錄自2016年12號的《Mid-Levels》雜誌)
The introduction to the duties as a SPCA Inspector, which is presented by Mr. Kwong Tze Shun, Bob, one of the SPCA Inspectors (Subscripted from December 2016’s edition of《Mid Levels》 magazine)

至於要成為愛護動物協會的動物拯救督察, 需要具備甚麼條件? 根據本文節錄的兩篇專訪剪報, (分別來自《Mid-Levels Magazine》和《晴報》) 除了要精通中、英文, 並通過體能測驗外, 他們本身需要擁有駕駛執照, 以便在執勤時即時前往不同地方拯救動物; 至於基本獸醫知識及訓練則成為他們在職訓練的重要部份之一。 為了爭取更多的人手支援, 他們在2008年成立義務督察隊青少年動物拯救隊, 協助檢核部處理行動、行政和管理等工作。
How about the job requirements of the SPCA Hong Kong’s animal inspector? According to the related special feature presented by the Mid-Levels Magazine and the Sky Post. Being fluent in Chinese and English and passing the physical tests are the basic requirements, the applicants should have a driving license as they have to travel everywhere for handling any animal rescue cases, while the veterinary knowledge (such as first aid for animals) is one of the major part for their on-job training. In order to raise more manpower support, the SPCA Hong Kong established its volunteer inspectors and cadet inspectors in 2008, providing support towards the inspectorate sector like action, administrative and management.

愛協動物拯救督察趙駿傑對動物拯救督察工作之介紹 (節錄自2017年4月28日的《晴報》)
The introduction to the duties as a SPCA Inspector, which is presented by Mr. Angus Chiu, one of the SPCA Inspectors (Subscripted from the《Sky Post》 issued in April 28th, 2017)

愛護動物協會的動物拯救督察最為人熟悉的工作以拯救受傷及受困動物為主, 其中貓狗所佔的比重甚多。 以下是相關剪報:
The SPCA Hong Kong’s animal inspectors are being well-known in rescuing trapped or injured animals, while cats and dogs have a relatively higher ratio. Here comes the related news-clippings:

唐狗Dolly在2017年2月在在火炭蚊坑失足跌落山谷並捱餓多天, 愛協的動物拯救督察們在接報後利用橡皮艇和游繩接應, 花了接近3天的時間才把Dolly順利救出 [節錄自2017年2月6日的《都市日報》]
Dolly the mongrel was trapped inside a valley in Fo Tan and starved several days in February 2017. The SPCA inspectors reach the valley by both boat travelling and abseiling from the nearby mountain, which spent 3 days to save Dolly [Subscripted from the《Metro》 issued in February 6th, 2017 ]
一頭唐狗在穿過香港大學馬登樓時被卡在水管之間, 愛協動物拯救督察在拯救時險被咬傷, 最後在替牠注射麻醉劑後拉開水喉方能救出, 狗隻隨即送往獸醫進行診療 [節錄自2017年5月17日的《頭條日報》]
A mongrel was trapped between the pipe when it tried to cross through the Marden Wing of HKU, the SPCA inspector responsible for this rescue was nearly bitten when he tried to rescue it, the mongrel was injected with anesthetics and later on rescued by pulling off the pipes, the mongrel was immediately sent to the veterinarian for medical treatment [Subscripted from the《HK Headlines》 issued in May 17th, 2017 ]
一頭唐狗在嘗試離開下水渠時被渠板夾頭, 愛協動物拯救督察在附近街坊的勃助下移開渠板並救出狗隻, 牠在獲救後自行回家 (節錄自2018年6月25日的《晴報》)
A mongrel was trapped by the drain board when it tried to leave the drain, the SPCA inspector removed the drain boards with the help from other passer-by, the mongrel was unhurt after the rescue and walked back home immediately (Subscripted from the《Sky Post》 issued in June 25th, 2018)
一頭狗隻誤闖東鐵九龍塘站附近的路軌, 愛護動物協會督察和警察及漁護署人員等前往搜索, 待確認狗隻離開路軌範圍後才恢復正常 (節錄自2018年11月2日的《頭條日報》)
A dog has accidentally enter the MTR rail near Kowloon Tong Station, the SPCA Inspectors search the dog with the help of the police and AFCD staffs, the railway was opened after they confirmed it has left the rail (Subscripted from the《HK Headlines》 issued in November 2nd, 2018)
兩隻約1個月大的幼犬被困在北角怡景道的山坡中,愛護動物協會督察在和警察及消防員的協助下把牠們救出 (節錄自2019年5月6日的《晴報》)
2 one months old puppies are trapped at a slope near Yee King Road, North Point; The SPCA Inspectors rescued them with the help from the police and the fire-fighters (Subscripted from the《Sky Post》 issued in May 6th, 2019)
四頭幼犬隻被遺棄在荃灣一個垃圾收集站外, 愛護動物協會督察前往救助送交獸醫治療並安排領養 (節錄自2022年4月8日的《頭條日報》)
4 litters are found abandoned outside a refuse collection point in Tsuen Wan, the SPCA Inspectors rescued them and send to their veterinary clinic for medical checks and arranging for adoption (Subscripted from the《HK Headlines》 issued in April 8th, 2022)
愛護動物協會督察在動物義工、警察及消防員的協助下, 把一隻被夾在欄杆之間的狗隻救出 (節錄自2023年4月2日的《明報》)
The SPCA Inspectors rescued a dog trapped between the fences, with the help from the animal welfare volunteers, the police and the fire-fighters (Subscripted from Mingpao issued in April 2nd, 2023)
愛護動物協會督察在牛頭角佐敦谷的引水1道裡救出一隻遇溺的唐狗, 並讓牠和主人重逢 (節錄自2023年5月28日的《明報》)
The SPCA Inspectors rescued a mongrel trapped inside the catchwater in Jordan Valley, and helping her reunified with her owner (Subscripted from Mingpao issued in May 28th, 2023)
一隻流浪貓懷疑從東區走廊天橋的水渠爬往橋墩被困, 愛護動物協會督察在水警協助下把其捕獲, 並在獸醫檢查後交由動物義工跟進 (節錄自2020年4月22日的《明報》)
A strayed cat is trapped in the pier after climbing the pipes inserted under the Eastern Corridor, the SPCA inspectors caught the cat with the support from the marine police, the cat rescued was received with veterinarian check before returning to the animal welfare volunteer for further follow-ups. (Subscripted from the《Ming Pao》 issued in April 22nd, 2020)
一名居民發現一頭幼貓被困在水渠的縫隙後報警求助, 愛護動物協會督察在消防員的協助下把其救出, 並在獸醫檢查及進行絕育後安排領養 (節錄自2020年12月2日的《明報》)
A kitten is trapped between the pipes, which was discovered by the nearby resident and reported to the police. The SPCA inspectors rescued the kitten with the support from the Fire Department, the cat was later received with veterinarian checks and neutralization before arranging for adoption. (Subscripted from the《Ming Pao》 issued in December 2nd, 2020)
愛護動物協會督察同時處理不同類型的動物傷亡個案, 例如被虐殺的野鴿及誤踩捕獸器受傷的狗隻 (節錄自2020年12月14日的《頭條日報》)
The SPCA Inspectors have to handle different kinds of animal casualty cases, such as a pigeon being cruelly murdered and a dog injured by a trap. (Subscripted from the《HK Headlines》 issued in December 14th, 2020 )
三隻初生小貓被遺棄在土瓜灣街頭, 愛護動物協會督察在接獲街坊求助後立即救走並送往獸醫診所進行檢驗 (節錄自2020年12月23日的《頭條日報》)
The SPCA Inspectors rescued 3 new born kittens in To Kwa Wan with the help from the public’s reports, they are sent to the SPCA veterinary clinic for furthermore health checks (Subscripted from the《HK Headlines》 issued in December 23rd, 2020 )
愛護動物協會督察在觀塘利用貓罐頭誘導流浪貓離開大廈通風窗口 (節錄自2021年9月17日的《頭條日報》)
The SPCA Inspectors used pets’ food to attract a strayed cat left the clearstory in Kwun Tong (Subscripted from the《HK Headlines》 issued in September 17th, 2021)
愛護動物協會督察利用大長索拯救困在大廈外牆的貓隻 (節錄自2021年12月29日的《頭條日報》)
The SPCA Inspectors used long string to rescue the cats trapped outside the buildings (Subscripted from the《HK Headlines》 issued in December 29th, 2021)
愛護動物協會督察在消防員協助下拯救困在大廈棚架的貓隻 (節錄自2022年8月1日的《頭條日報》)
The SPCA Inspectors rescue the cats trapped between the bamboo scaffolds with the help from the Fire Services Department (Subscripted from the《HK Headlines》 issued in August 1st, 2022)
愛護動物協會督察在警方協助下拯救被獨留在家的貓隻 (節錄自2023年3月25日的《頭條日報》)
The SPCA Inspectors rescue a cat being kept alone at home with the help from the Police (Subscripted from the《HK Headlines》 issued in March 25th, 2023)
愛護動物協會督察在警方協助下拯救被租戶遺棄在大埔康樂園舊居的35名貓隻 (節錄自2023年10月19日的《頭條日報》)
The SPCA Inspectors rescue 35 cat being kept alone at their owner’s former house in Hong Lok Yuen
, Tai Po with the help from the Police (Subscripted from the《HK Headlines》 issued in October 19th, 2023)
愛護動物協會督察在消防協助下為受葵涌住宅火災影響的7名貓隻安排詳情治療及身體檢查 (節錄自2024年3月4日的《AM730》)
The SPCA Inspectors received 7 cats from the Fire Services after rescued from a domestic fire in Kwai Chung for further medical checks (Subscripted from AM730 issued in March 4th, 2024)
愛護動物協會督察和消防署在土瓜灣協肋捕捉走失的鸚鵡 (節錄自2022年6月6日的《頭條日報》)
The SPCA Inspectors and the Fire Services rescued an escaped parrot in To Kwa Wan (Subscripted from the《HK Headlines》 issued in June 6th, 2022)
愛護動物協會督察在海邊救回一隻被「放生」的巴西龜 (節錄自2022年10月27日的《頭條日報》)
The SPCA Inspectors have rescued a red-eared slider being mercy released on the seaside (Subscripted from the《HK Headlines》 issued in October 27th, 2022)
愛護動物協會督察和消防署在沙田鄉郊協肋捕捉懷疑被樹枝纏著的的鸚鵡, 但鸚鵡在他們採取拯救行動前自行逃走 (節錄自2023年11月15日的《明報》)
The SPCA Inspectors and the Fire Services tried to a parrot suspected of trapped on a tree in rural Shatin, but the parrot escaped before they imposed further action to rescue it (Subscripted from Mingpao issued in November 15th, 2023)
愛護動物協會督察在流浮山把早前走失的鴯鶓帶回牠居住的休閒農莊 (節錄自2024年4月19日的《頭條日報》)
The SPCA Inspectors brought a loss emu back to its living place – a leisure fram located in Lau Fau Shan (Subscripted from the《HK Headlines》 issued in April 19th, 2024)
愛護動物協會督察在接獲虐待動物的案件時協助檢查受害動物的傷勢 (節錄自2022年11月15日的《頭條日報》)
The SPCA Inspectors will provide medical check and related assistance for the animals being involved in animal abuse cases (Subscripted from the《HK Headlines》 issued in Noveber 25th, 2022)
警方在油麻地糧油雜貨倉庫內救出四十多隻被困的貓狗, 愛護動物協會督察和漁護署人員協助救助牠們並安排詳細檢查 (節錄自2024年4月22日的《頭條日報》)
The police rescued more than 40 cats and dogs being chained in a groceryt warehouse in Yau Ma Tei, yje SPCA Inspectors and the FACD staffs joined force to rescue and receive these poor animals (Subscripted from the《HK Headlines》 issued in April 22nd, 2024)

除了寵物之外, 愛護動物協會的動物拯救督察也會拯救流浪牛及其他在香港居住的野生動物。 以下是相關剪報:
Despite the pets, he SPCA Hong Kong’s animal inspectors also responsible for rescuing other animals like strayed cattle and other wildlife animals living in Hong Kong. Here comes the related news-clippings:

愛護動物協會督察在薄扶林拯救一隻倒臥路邊的貓頭鷹, 並把牠送往嘉道理農場接受診治 (節錄自2019年5月2日的《頭條日報》)
The SPCA Inspectors rescued an injured owl lying on the road at Pokfulam, it was immediately sent to the KFBG’s veterinarian clinic for medical treatments (Subscripted from the《HK Headlines》 issued in May 2nd, 2019 )
愛護動物協會督察分別在葵涌和中環拯救被魚絲和電線纏住的斑鳩和鵲鴝, 牠們在獲救後被送往嘉道理農場接受診治 (節錄自2020年11月11日的《明報》)
The SPCA Inspectors rescued a spotted dove trapped by a fishing line in Kwai Chung and an Oriental magpie-robin trapped by an electric wire in Central, both of them are immediately sent to the KFBG’s veterinarian clinic for further medical treatments (Subscripted from Mingpao issued in November 11th, 2020 )
愛護動物協會督察在荃灣拯救一隻誤墜引水道的小赤麂, 牠在獲救後被送往漁護署接受治療 (節錄自2020年6月24日的《頭條日報》)
The SPCA Inspectors rescued a small barking deer in Tsuen Wan which has fallen into a catchwater, it was sent to the AFCD’s veterinarian clinic for medical treatment after the rescue. (Subscripted from the《HK Headlines》 issued in June 24th, 2020)
愛護動物協會督察在荃灣拯救一隻被困在引水道的箭豬, 牠在獲救後被送往獸醫進行檢查後放歸野外 (節錄自2020年7月29日的《頭條日報》)
The SPCA Inspectors rescued a porcupine in Tsuen Wan which has trapped in the catchwater, it was sent to the veterinarian clinic for medical treatment before returning to the wild nature. (Subscripted from the《HK Headlines》 issued in July 29th, 2020)
愛護動物協會督察在大帽山拯救一隻被困在引水道的箭豬 , 並把牠送往嘉道理農場接受診治 (節錄自2021年8月31日的《頭條日報》)
The SPCA Inspectors rescued a porcupine in Tai Mo Shan which has trapped in the catchwater, , it was immediately sent to the KFBG’s veterinarian clinic for medical treatments (Subscripted from the《HK Headlines》 issued in August 31st, 2021 )
愛護動物協會督察在青衣協助漁護署人員捕捉一隻誤闖民居的猴子 (節錄自2023年6月29日的《頭條日報》)
The SPCA Inspectors assisted the AFCD staffs to catch a monkey who accessed an housing estate in Tsing Yi (Subscripted from the《HK Headlines》 issued in June 29th, 2023 )

兩頭黃牛在荃灣鄉郊失足跌進引水道, 愛協動物拯救督察在消防員及漁護署職員的協助下, 把牠們拉上路面; 其中一隻牛在拯救時受傷, 在接受基本治療後和同行的小牛一起離開
Two cattle are fallen into the catchwater in Tsuen Wan, the SPCA Inspectors rescued them with the help from the fire fighters and the AFCD staffs. The larger cow was hurt during the rescue, and it has received basic medical treatment before leaving with its smaller fellow.

愛護動物協會督察在大帽山拯救一隻被困在引水道的流浪牛 (節錄自2022年7月13日的《頭條日報》)
The SPCA Inspectors rescued a strayed cattle in Tai Mo Shan which has trapped in the catchwater (Subscripted from the《HK Headlines》 issued in July 13th, 2022)
一頭小野豬在沙田鄉郊失足墜崖, 被夾在村屋和護土牆之間的空際; 愛協動物拯救督察在漁護署職員的協助下把其救出 並送往獸醫部接受治療(節錄自2020年10月30日的《頭條日報》)
The SPCA Inspectors rescued a small wild boar in Shatin which has trapped between a village house and a retaining wall after falling from the nearby slope, it was sent to the veterinarian clinic for further medical treatment (Subscripted from the《HK Headlines》 issued in October 30th, 2020)
愛協動物拯救督察和漁護署等政府部門合作移除在鄉郊的狩獵器具, 他們在2023年3月初的一次行動裡救出被困捕獸籠的豹貓, 並把牠送往嘉道理農場暨植物園進行治療 (節錄自2023年3月2日的《頭條日報》)
The SPCA Inspectors joined force with several Government Departments like AFCD to remove the hunting traps in the rural areas. They have rescued a leopard cat trapped inside a cage in March 2023 and the latter was sent to the KFBG for medical treatment.(Subscripted from the《HK Headlines》 issued in March 2nd, 2023)
一頭野豬在黃竹坑被斬殺, 愛協動物拯救督察到場協助警方調查及檢走野豬的屍體 (節錄自2020年11月8日的《明報》)
A wild boar was beheaded in Wong Chuk Hang, the SPCA Inspectors assisted the police to investigate this murder case and picked the death body of this wild boar (Subscripted from the《Ming Pao》 issued in November 8th, 2020)
一頭野豬在柴灣被流浪狗咬死, 愛協動物拯救督察到場協助調查及檢走野豬的屍體 (節錄自2020年12月11日的《頭條日報》)
A wild boar was killed by the strayed dogs in Chai Wan, the SPCA Inspectors investigate this case and picked the death body of this wild boar (Subscripted from the《HK Headline》 issued in December 11th, 2020)
愛護動物協會督察在元朗分別拯救一隻被撞傷的赤麂及誤墜水渠的山羊 (節錄自2021年2月1日的《香港仔》)
The SPCA Inspectors rescued a barking deer being hurt by a running car and a goat being fallen into a catchwater at the rural area of Yuen Long. (Subscripted from the《The Lion Rock Daily》 issued in February 1st, 2021)
The SPCA Inspectors and the police rescued an injured monkey and sent it to its veterinarian clinic for further medical treatments
愛護動物協會督察在荃灣拯救一隻誤墜水渠的赤麂 (節錄自2021年12月28日的《頭條日報》)
The SPCA Inspectors rescued a barking deer being fallen into a catchwater at the rural area of Tsuen Wan. (Subscripted from the《HK Headlines》 issued in December 28th, 2021)
頭野豬在北角被夾在欄杆並拼命掙扎, 愛協動物拯救督察到場搶救並送往嘉道理農場, 惜因傷勢丸嚴重而版人道毀滅 (節錄自2021年11月27日的《頭條日報》)
A wild boar was trapped in North Point and struggled seriosuly, the SPCA Inspectors rescued this wild boar and sent to the KFBG’s veterinarian clinic, but the wild boar is finally euthanized due to fatal hurts during this incident (Subscripted from the《HK Headline》 issued in November 27th, 2021)
愛護動物協會督察和消防員合作在西營盤港鐵站內拯救一隻誤電梯槽的果子貍的赤麂 (節錄自2022年8月8日的《頭條日報》)
The SPCA Inspectors and the Fire Department rescued a civet being fallen into a lift shaft at the Sai Ying Pun MTR Station. (Subscripted from the《HK Headlines》 issued in August 8th, 2022)
愛護動物協會督察在大埔拯救一隻被困在欄杆的黃麖, 並交由他們的獸醫進行治療 (節錄自2022年12月30日的《頭條日報》)
The SPCA Inspectors rescued a muntjac being between the guardrails in Tai Po and sent to their veterinary clinic for medical treatment. (Subscripted from the《HK Headlines》 issued in December 30th, 2022)
愛護動物協會督察協助警方在中區半山捕捉一隻懷疑被車撞傷的野豬,但最終讓牠成功逃脫 (節錄自2023年11月19日的《明報》)
The SPCA Inspectors assisted the police in catching a wild boar suspected of being crashed by a car in Mid-Levels, but the latter was successfully escaped from them. (Subscripted from Mingpao issued in November 19th, 2023)
愛護動物協會督察協助警方及漁護署人員在天水圍捕捉一隻走失的鴯鶓 (節錄自2024年5月26日的《明報》)
The SPCA Inspectors assisted the police and the AFCD staffs in catching an emu being lost in Tin Shui Wai. (Subscripted from Mingpao issued in May 26th, 2024)

除了拯救工作之外, 愛護動物協會的動物拯救督察也會為涉及虐待動物的案件提供協助, 例如檢視肇事動物的傷勢及送往愛協的獸醫部門進行詳細檢查和治療等。 以下是相關剪報:
Besides the rescuing cases, the SPCA Hong Kong’s animal inspectors also assist in handling any animal abuse cases, such as observing the situation of the included animals, sending them to the SPCA Hong Kong veterinarian sector for detailed medical check and treatment. Here comes the related news-clippings:

愛協動物拯救督察在2016年7月於屯門某工廈單位裡, 救出13隻被疏忽照顧而生病的貴婦狗, 牠們在接受治療後由愛協安排領養 (節錄自2017年2月28日的《頭條日報》)
The SPCA Inspectors rescued 13 poodles from a flat in a factory building in Tuen Mun, in which suffering from hunger and illness due to neglect, they have been arranged for adoption by the SPCA Hong Kong after being recovered through veterinary treatments (Subscripted from the《HK Headlines》 issued in February 28th, 2017)
愛協動物拯救督察在2020年1月協助警方調查大埔寵物美容店涉嫌虐畜的案件 (節錄自2020年1月19日的《明報》)
The SPCA Inspectors have assist the police in investigating a suspected animal abuse case in the Tai Po located pets grooming store dated January 2020 (Subscripted from the《HK Headlines》 issued in July 6th, 2020)
愛協動物拯救督察在2023年10月於油麻地一所樓上貓店裡, 救出一隻患病的貓隻, 並由愛協代為照顧 (節錄自2023年11月1日的《明報》)
The SPCA Inspectors rescued an ill cat from a upstairs’ pet shop in Yaumatei, and being taken care by the SPCA Hong Kong for further veterinary treatments (Subscripted from Mingpao issued in November 1st, 2023)
愛協動物拯救督察在2020年7月在深水埗協助警方處理一宗唐狗被虐打及中毒嘔吐的案件 (節錄自2020年7月6日的《頭條日報》)
The SPCA Inspectors have assist the police in investigating a suspected animal abuse case dated July 2020, in which a mongrel being lushed and poisoned at Shum Shui Po (Subscripted from the《HK Headlines》 issued in July 6th, 2020)

The SPCA Inspectors have assist the police in investigating an animal abuse case dated October 2020, in which a mongrel being killed and throw into the sea near the Hoi Sham Park, Hung Hom

愛協動物拯救督察在2020年11月於葵涌協助警方處理一宗流浪貓被剖腹殺害的案件 (節錄自2020年11月6日的《頭條日報》)
The SPCA Inspectors have assist the police in investigating the tragic death of a strayed cat which is being ripped in Kwai Chung (Subscripted from HK Headlines issued in November 6th, 2020)
愛協動物拯救督察在2022年7月於慈雲山協助警方處理一宗流浪狗懷疑被毒殺的案件 (節錄自2022年7月30日的《頭條日報》)
The SPCA Inspectors have assist the police in investigating the tragic death of a strayed dog being poisoned top death in Tsz Wan Shan (Subscripted from HK Headlines issued in July 30th, 2022)
愛協動物拯救督察在2020年10月從走私快艇裡接收43隻貓狗, 除了其中一隻貓已經死亡外, 其餘貓狗交由愛協接受檢查及治療 (節錄自2020年11月10日的《晴報》)
The SPCA Inspectors rescued 43 cats and dogs from a smuggling powerboat, and most of them are sent to the SPCA Hong Kong for furthermore health checks and veterinary treatments, except one cat being found death (Subscripted from the《Sky Post》 issued in November 10th, 2020)
愛協動物拯救督察除了協助處理一宗家貓在樂富家中墜樓身亡的案件外, 同時透過網上片段協調調查在烏溪沙發生的倒吊狗隻事件 (節錄自2021年2月14日的《明報》)
The SPCA Inspectors does not only assist in handling a cat’s death after falling from its home in Lok Fu, but also investigating a dog cruelty case happened in Wu Kai Sha through an internet video recording (Subscripted from the《Mingpao》 issued in February 14th, 2021)
愛協動物拯救督察在2021年7月於美孚協助警方處理一宗史納莎犬墜樓身亡的案件 (節錄自2021年7月6日的《頭條日報》)
The SPCA Inspectors have assist the police in investigating the tragic death of a Schnauzer fallen from his flat in Mei Foo (Subscripted from HK Headlines issued in July 6th, 2021)
愛協動物拯救督察在2022年5月於中環協助警方處理一宗唐狗墜樓身亡的案件 (節錄自2022年5月20日的《頭條日報》)
The SPCA Inspectors have assist the police in investigating the tragic death of a Mongrel fallen from a flat in Central (Subscripted from HK Headlines issued in May 20th, 2022)
愛護動物協會督察在筲箕灣接收由市民拯救的受傷野豬, 之後交由嘉道理農場的獸醫代為治療 (節錄自2021年9月17日的《頭條日報》)
The SPCA Inspectors received an injured wild boar in Shau Kei Wan from the public, and it was later sent to the veterinarians of the KFBG for further medical treatments (Subscripted from the《HK Headlines》 issued in September 17th, 2021)

有關愛護動物協會的檢核部和動物拯救督察的詳盡資料, 可參考愛護動物協會的相關網頁: http://www.spca.org.hk/ch/inspectorate/spca-inspectorate
For further information about the SPCA Inspectorate and their animal inspectors, please visit SPCA Hong Kong’s related webpage: http://www.spca.org.hk/en/inspectorate/spca-inspectorate
