A Brief Introduction of My Cat Dog Come / 寵愛天地概述

寵愛天地舉辦的貓隻領養活動海報 (攝於屯門, 2024年4月)
The cats adoption day’s poster of the My Cat Dog Come (Photoed in Tuen Mun, April 2024)

寵愛天地在2019年成立, 他們致力拯救來自繁殖場及被遺棄的流浪貓狗, 替牠們提供日常照顧, 尋找適合的領養者和提供相關適應訓練, 並以開放態度與其他行內愛護動物組織合作, 及透過其「浪浪日記」Facebook專頁的營運, 協助區內流浪貓狗生育控制計劃, 向社會大眾推廣領養及防上虐待動物等訊息。 有關愛寵愛天地的詳盡資料, 可前往其官方網頁: http://mycatdogcome.org.hk/

The logo of My Cat Dog Come

My Cat Dog Come is established in 2019. It aims to rescue the cats and dogs being abandoned by ex-owners or breeding firms, providing them daily care, arranging them for suitable adopters and providing them adoption training; The group also co-operate with other animal welfare groups and operates its own “Lang Lang Daily" Facebook page for assisting in birth control scheme for strayed animals, promoting the importance of pet adoption, prevention of animal abuse and etc. For further information about My Cat Dog Home, please visit its official website: http://mycatdogcome.org.hk/ (In Chinese only)
