The Hong Kong Saving Cats and Dogs Association’s Flag Day at October 2023 / 香港拯救貓狗協會賣旗籌款活動 (2023年10月)

香港拯救貓狗協會賣旗籌款活動的宣傳海報, 摘自社職Social Career的官方網頁
The poster of Hong Kong Saving Cats and Dogs Association’s Flag Day, which is subscripted from Social Career official webpage

香港拯救貓狗協會在2023年10月28日在港島區舉行賣旗籌款活動, 今年以Love you, no matter what(「能救的,我們都不想放棄。或許浪浪不完美,但牠們是值得被愛的。」)為主題, 所得的收益將應用在興建新的收容中心, 為他們拯救的貓狗提供臨時的收容、治療和照顧, 甚至於可以安享晚年的居所。
The Flag Day of Hong Kong Saving Cats and Dogs Association (HKSCDA) is held at October 28th, 2023 in the Hong Kong Island, which is entitled as “Love you, no matter what." (We don’t gove up any lives needed to be rescued, they worth us to love even though they are not perfect). The donation raised from this event will be contributed to their reconstruction of their new animal shelter, providing temporary homing, medical and daily care for the animals.

香港拯救貓狗協會賣旗籌款活動的特別版金旗(上), 摘自社職Social Career的官方網頁
The special stickers of Hong Kong Saving Cats and Dogs Association’s Flag Day (above), which is subscripted from Social Career official webpage

有關這次賣旗籌款的詳細資料, 請前往香港拯救貓狗協會的相關網頁:
For further details about this Flag Day please visit the HKSCDA’s related webpage: (In Chinese only)
