The Ocean Park Conservation Foundation HK’s Flag Day at August 2023 / 海洋公園保育基金賣旗籌款活動 (2023年8月)

海洋公園保育基金在2023年8月26日於港島區舉行賣旗籌款活動, 把所得的收益將應用在香港的鯨豚擱淺跟進工作、本地物種保育的科研項目與社區及亞洲物種保育的科研項目等。
The Ocean Park Conservation Foundation Hong Kong (OPCF) has held its Flag Day in Hong Kong Island at August 26th, 2023. The donations collected from this charitable event will be used in the  supporting of cetacean stranding work in Hong Kong, community and public education programmes, and scientific research projects on the conservation of local and Asian species.

海洋公園保育基金賣旗籌款活動的宣傳海報 (摘錄自海洋公園保育基金的官方網站)
The poster of the Ocean Park Conservation Foundation’s Flag Day (Subscripted from OPCF’s official website)

當年的賣旗籌款以「齊來守護生物多樣性」為題, 呼籲群眾了解不少瀕危野生動物面對的危機, 啟發群眾如何透過環保的生活方式來拯救牠們; 他們設計的旗紙款式擴展到15款, 列出不少在世界自然保育聯盟 瀕危物種紅色名錄裡從易危到極度瀕危的野生動物品種, 包括綠海龜、中華白海豚、斑海豹、印度太平洋江豚、小熊貓、馬來熊、孟加拉虎、雪豹、紅毛猩猩、亞洲象、大熊貓、歐亞水獺、眼斑水龜、黃胸鵐及巴布亞企鵝。
The slogan of this Flag Day has switched to “Let’s Protect Our Biodiversity Together “, in which the public can gain deeper understanding of the crises the endangered animals face, inspiring to take actions to save them. The sticker sets for this Flag Day consist of 15 examples – including Green Turtle, Chinese White Dolphin, Spotted Seal, Indo-Pacific Finless Porpoise, Red Panda, Malayan Sun Bear, Bengal Tiger, Snow Leopard, Orangutan, Asian Elephant, Giant Panda, Eurasian Otter, Beale’s-eyed Turtle, Yellow-breasted Bunting and Gentoo Penguin – which are graded from vulnerable to critically endangered from the IUCN Red List.

海洋公園保育基金在2023年8月賣旗籌款使用的旗紙。 (摘錄自海洋公園保育基金的官方網站)
The stickers set of OPCF’s Flag Day held in August 2023. (Subscripted from OPCF’s official website)

有關海洋公園保育基金在2023年8月於港島區賣旗籌款活動的詳情資料, 請前往該基金的相關網頁:
For further information about the Ocean Park Conservation Foundation Hong Kong’s (OPCF) Flag Day held in Hong Kong Islands at August 2023, please visit its related webpage:
