The rebuilt, reform of the Ocean Park and possibly strengthening role for the Ocean Park Conservation Foundation / 海洋公園的變革與海洋公園保育基金有望強化的角色

面對香港及其他國內城市其他主題樂園的激烈競爭, 海洋公園在2020年1月中提出《全新定位策略發展計劃》, 並向政府申請100億元公帑進行重建工程; 除了拆卸部份舊有的機動遊戲, 按照公園地理特徵興建新的遊樂設施, 同時關閉長期備受動物福祉界非議的海洋劇場, 過往在海洋劇場裡「工作」的海豚和海獅等將遷往名為「探險家海岸」的新展館 – 一處按照牠們生活環境設計的人造海洋水族館 – 裡生活。 海洋公園在重建計劃裡確定取消海洋劇場, 並完善其海洋生態的水族館, 在很大程度上展示他們對重視自然保育的方向和決心。
Facing fierce competition from other theme parks in Hong Kong and other parts of China, the Ocean Park unveiled a comprehensive blueprint for the future in January 2020, and apply 10 billions Hong Kong Dollars from the Government for this reconstruction project. Besides dismantling most of the current amusement rides, re-designing the recreational facilities which is referenced from its geographical characteristics; the Ocean Park confirmed the close down of the Ocean Theatre, which has been continuously criticized by many animal rights and welfare groups over the recent years, in the reconstruction plan, while the dolphins, sea lions and other marine animals previously “working" there will emigrated to the brand new “Adventurers’ Coast", an artificial ocean aquarium specified for their natural living environment for their retirement. The Ocean Park showed its determination towards the development of wildlife conservation by closing the Ocean Theatre and improve their ocean aquarium.

海洋公園在2019年9月開設海洋生物救護及教育中心, 顯示海洋公園在重視及推廣海洋生態保育的決心 (節錄自2019年9月3日出版的《晴報》)
The opening of the Hong Kong Marine Life Stranding and Education Centre in September 2019 showed the decision of the Ocean Park in promoting wildlife conservation (Subscripted from the Sky Post issued at September 3rd, 2019.)

不過, 在提出重建計劃之前, 海洋公園已開始增建與自然保育有關的設施; 例如海洋公園的海洋生物救護及教育中心在2019年9月初於海洋公園裡竣工, 儘管那裡的主要工作是研究海洋生物傷亡原因 – 尤其是鯨豚擱淺問題 – 的高科技實驗室和跨國交流中心, 同時提供相關的獸醫實習訓練等, 他們亦會安排導賞團和教育活動予學生和社會大眾, 向他們介紹海洋公園保育基金在鯨豚擱淺救護行動的工作。
But the Ocean Park has introduced several new wildlife conservation facilities before the release of the comprehensive blueprint for the future. The completion of the Hong Kong Marine Life Stranding and Education Centre (HKMLSEC) at September 2019 is one of the significant examples. The education centre which is located inside the Ocean Park mainly observes the causes of marine animals’ tragedies – especially the cetaceans’ stranded cases – through scientific researches and overseas experts consultations, also with the provision of related veterinarian trainings. But it also held education tours and programs towards the public and students, introducing them the OPCF Hong Kong’s effort in rescuing stranded cetaceans.

隨著新冠病毒肆虐引致社會民生活動停擺, 海洋公園在2020年5月宣佈陷入財困, 並向政府申請54億元撥款以作營運開支及償還貸款之用; 為了讓撥款盡快獲得通過, 海洋公園在被擱置的《全新定位策略發展計劃》為基礎, 再次提出再次修整後的重建計劃; 為了避免園內的野生動物因為海洋公園倒閉而流雜失所, (這同時是當時輿論甚為關注的相關問題) 他們把重建的重心趨向野生動物的保育工作上。 結果海洋公園在社會大眾的關注下順利獲得撥款, 並容許園方尋求私人投資。 據稱亞洲善待動物組織(PETA)曾向海洋公園表示願意資助200萬元, 來建立海洋生物庇護所, 但詳細資料仍有待落實。
With the society’s shutdown due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Ocean Park suffered from financial difficulties in May 2020, and asked the government for a 5.4 billion dollars subsidiary for operation and returning loans. In order to speed up the application, the Ocean Park resurrected its reconstruction plan which is based on the newly abandoned comprehensive blueprint for the future. In order to prevent the wildlife animals becoming homeless with its closure, (which raised much concern from the public during this period) the Ocean Park promised to focus on its wildlife conservation projects once the subsidiaries are received. Finally the subsidiaries towards the Ocean Park are passed with popular support, and it is allowed to receive private investment afterward. The PETA Asia has once been rumored to sponsor 2 million dollars to establish a shelter home for marine animals in Ocean Park, but further information over this deal are still yet to be released.

部份關注動物權益的人士和團體對海洋公園的存廢可謂爭持激烈: 支持撥款的言論認為海洋公園是香港人的集體回憶, 旗下的海洋公園保育基金除了對亞洲地區的海洋生物保育工作有所貢獻外, 同時在協助國內保育大熊貓及其他瀕危動物的保育工作付出不少努力, 甚至於獲得中央政府的認同和支持; 一旦海洋公園宣告倒閉, 不但令香港人失去一個認識野生動物及提升環境保育意識的機會, 其基金在野生動物的保育工作也會無以為繼。 至於反對撥款的言論批評政府當年沒有撥款支持海洋公園的同級對手荔園, 甚至於促使荔園倒閉; (筆者按: 荔園也有飼養野生動物, 但牠們的居住環境甚為狹小和昏暗, 連遊客對其差劣程度感到咋舌!) 另外提出反對立場的動物權益壓力團體(例如非牟利獸醫服務協會等)批評海洋公園長期圈養海豚、鯨魚及海獅等大型海洋動物牟利的行徑是慘無人道, 不但呼籲他們的支持者不要光顧海洋公園, 同時覺得海洋公園陷入財困甚至於瀕臨結業是罪有應得; 對於海洋公園最終獲得撥款, 他們不但譏諷這個結果是輸打贏要, 更質疑海洋公園的硬件設施能否應付野生動物保育工作, 遂建議把他們飼養的野生動物送返原居地或大型野生動物保育園區, 例如以收容鯨豚為主, 位於冰島南邊海灣Klettsvik Bay的SEA LIFE Trust Beluga Whale Sanctuary等。
Several animal welfare groups have varied views over the Ocean Park’s survival: The supporters claimed that the Ocean Park is one of the collective memories for the Hong Kong people, its satellite wildlife conservation firm – the Ocean Park Conservation Foundation (Hong Kong) – has contributed a lot in preserving the marine animals in Asia, the great pandas and other endangered species in the Mainland China, with positive appreciation from the Chinese government. The closure of the Ocean Park does not only losing a platform for Hong Kong to learn about these wildlife animals and arousing their awareness in wildlife conservation, but also standing for the discontinuation of the OPCF Hong Kong in their duties of wildlife conservation. While the opponents – mostly animal rights pressure groups like the HK Non-Profit Making Veterinary Clinic – blamed the government not supporting its rival theme park – Lai Chi Kok Amusement Park (Lai Yuen) – and caused its closure in the past, (Edit: Lai Yuen has a zoo with several wild animal living inside, but their living are too bad with narrow and dark atmosphere) and criticized the Ocean Park is inhumane in stable-breeding marine animals like whales, dolphins and sea lions for profits, despite convincing people not visiting the Ocean Park, they claimed that the possible closure of the Ocean Park is fully deserved. They later criticized both the Ocean Park and the government are sore losers when the amusement park is successful in receiving the 5.4 billion dollars’ subsidiary and doubted it’s ability to establish a wildlife conservation theme park, and they suggested the Ocean Park should release all their wild animals back to their original birth-place or other specified shelter homes for them, such as the SEA LIFE Trust Beluga Whale Sanctuary, a shelter home for cetaceans in Klettsvik Bay, Iceland.

在獲批54億港元的撥款及在2020年6月重開後, 海洋公園在推廣野生保育工作方面更是急起直追: 他們在重新啟業後推出「Redd’s五感發現之旅」活動, 他們在重要景點附近設置探索地帶, 融合「自然遊樂」和「體驗式學習」元素, 讓參加者(尤其是小朋友)運用視覺、聽覺、觸覺、味覺、嗅覺等五種不同感官, 讓他們在互動玩樂中激發好奇心, 鼓勵他們更主動地觀察和探索生態奧秘, 留下更深刻印象; 此外他們在於7月推出夏日歷險課程2020, 參與課程的兒童可透過五感探索, 觀察和了解各種動物的特徵和牠們獨有的生活習慣; 並有機會擔任動物護理員、扮演小獸醫或化身小記者, 以充滿創意的形式體驗與動物互動的樂趣, 發掘大自然更多的奇妙之處。 從這些活動看來, 海洋公園已經在推廣野生保育工作方面更為積極, 尤其是在兒童教育方面。
With the success in applying 5.4 billion subsidiary and its re-opening in June 2020, the Ocean Park is aggressive in catching up its pace in promoting wildlife conservation, especially towards the children: “Redd’s 5 Senses Discovery" is the first of the related programs introduced with its re-opening. With different discovery zones located in major visitors zones, children can use all five of their senses, including sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell, as they traverse fascinating interactive experiences that combine elements of nature play and experiential learning. The Ocean Park then launched its Adventure Camp Summer 2020 in July, providing a chance for the children to explore a journey to observe and discover the fascinating features and habits of animals. The junior attendants will become little animal caretakers, little veterinarians or even junior journalists as they undertake fun and creative activities, while interacting with the Park’s animal ambassadors to broaden their awareness of the wonders of nature.

由中華白海豚國家級自然保護區管理局興建的中華白海豚救護保育基地, 預期在2020年末竣工啟用, 屆時海洋公園將協助開展白海豚科研、救護乃至人工繁育等工作, 海洋公園在鯨豚救護及保育工作方面的專業水平獲得中央政府的認同, 由此可見一斑。
The effort of the Ocean Park in rescuing and preserving cetaceans received the positive appreciation from the Chinese government at the same time: it is invited to take part in the scientific research, rescue and artificial reproduction of the China White Dolphins for the “The Rescue and Conservation Base of China White Dolphins", which will be completed at Guangdong in late 2020.

香港海洋公園獲邀參與廣東省「中華白海豚救護保育基地」的發展工作 (節錄自2020年6月22日的《香港仔》)
The Ocean Park Hong Kong is invited to join the development of “The Rescue and Conservation Base of China White Dolphins" in Guangdong, China (Subscripted from the Lion Rock Daily issued in June 22nd, 2020)

在野生動物的保育工作外, 海洋公園在2020年7月作出重大的突破: 他們宣佈與香港導盲犬協會達成合作協議, 他們在未來5年內向香港導盲犬協會提供免費的技術支援, 處理及儲存本地導盲犬精液, 藉此協助增加導盲犬供應數目以照顧本港視障人士的需要。 他們把人工繁殖野生動物的技術和經驗拓展到解決導盲犬供不應求的問題, 在很大程度上擴闊他們對社會所作的貢獻。
Besides their efforts in the wildlife conservation, the Ocean Park made another successful breakthrough in July 2020: It has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Hong Kong Guide Dogs Association (HKGDA), which provides technical assistance in the processing and storage of local guide dog semen to HKGDA, in order to ease the huge demands for guide dogs. The application of the Ocean Park’s artificial reproduction technologies and experiences in easing the huge demand of guide dogs has therefore enlarged their contribution towards the Hong Kong society.

海洋公園在2021年1月初再次申請政府的津助, 其關閉海洋劇場及推廣野生保育工作的目標仍獲得保留 (節錄自2021年1月19日的《香港仔》)
The Ocean Park Hong Kong has applied for the Government’s subsidaries again in January 2021, its attempts to close down the Ocean Theatre and enforce the OPCF’s role in wildlife conservation is fortunately remained. (Subscripted from the Lion Rock Daily issued in January 19th, 2021)

至於上文提及的部份動物福祉機構, 可參考它們的官方網頁或Facebook專頁如下
1) 海洋公園保育基金 (OPCF Hong Kong):
2) NPV非牟利獸醫服務協會:
3) 亞洲善待動物組織(PETA Asia):

For further information about the following animal welfare groups mentioned in this article, please visit their official websites as follow:
1) The Ocean Park Conservation Foundation, Hong Kong (OPCFHK):
2) HK Non-Profit Making Veterinary Clinic: (in Chinese only)
3) People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals’ Asia Branch (PETA Asia):
