A Brief Introduction of Second Life Charity Foundation / 生命續弦慈善基金概述

生命續弦慈善基金在2009年由動物義工翠兒成立, 以「以生命改變生命」為成立宗旨; 該機構與絕不買賣寵物, 並以中介身份支持小型動物福祉機構及獨立動物義工的「Pet Haven 寵物國度」關係密切, 並透過後者在產品銷售及寵物美容中所賺取的利潤來支持他們的工作。 他們在成立後一直致力拯救被遺棄及無家可歸的寵物, 提供住宿及醫療直至他們能找到適合的領養者及家庭。
Second Life Charity Foundation is established by Ms Tweety Tam, an animal welfare volunteer in 2009, with “Lives change lives" as its slogan. The Foundation has closer relationship with the Pet Haven pet shop which never sell pets, and an intermediary for supporting several smaller animal welfare groups and independent animal welfare volunteers, in which the later sponsored the Foundation through part of its profits from selling pet accessories and pets grooming. The Foundation has actively rescuing homeless pets being abandoned, providing them fostering homes and medical care until finding them suitable adopters.

在香港人口持續老化, 獨居長者的人口不斷增加的情況下, 生命續弦慈善基金在2018年推行「無依毛靠」計劃, 讓欠缺社交生活的獨居長者領養年長的貓隻, 並向他們免費提供多項養貓配套, 像安裝窗網, 提供砂盤、貓砂、食糧等所需物資, 以及貓的醫療護理; 基金藉著這個將長者與貓配對的機會, 讓他們互相陪伴依靠, 讓他們在身心靈上都得到快樂, 亦為生活增添寄托。 另一邊廂, 在部份貓隻獲得領養的情況下, 動物義工亦可騰出名額,照顧其他更急切需要救助的流浪貓, 達到人貓雙贏的局面。
With the gradually aging population and the elder people living alone in Hong Kong, the Second Life Charity Foundation introduced the Mutual Love Project in 2018, letting the elder people living alone adopting older cats and provide them several accessories without charges, such as installing bracket-grille, providing cats’ accessories like cat’s food, cat litter and litter box, and medical care for the cats. The foundation wished the elderly and the cats adopted can improve their physical and mental health through relying on each other. On the other hand, the volunteers can spare their resources to rescue and take care of other strayed cats through this scheme, providing a win-win situation for them and the cats.

生命續弦慈善基金的「無依毛靠」計劃的報章專訪 (節錄自2021年3月9日出版的《頭條日報》)
A newspaper feature on Second Life Charitable Foundation’s “Mutual Love" Project (Subscripted from《HK Headlines》issued in March 9th, 2021)

有關生命續弦慈善基金的詳盡資料, 請前往其Facebook專頁: www.facebook.com/secondlifehk
For further information about the Second Life Charity Foundation, please visit its Facebook page (in Chinese): www.facebook.com/secondlifehk
